Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Neuromancer: Conclusion

At the end of this Novel, many of the issues get resolved but there are also many that remain unsolved. Case is able to complete his task that Armitage assigned him. They get the password from Lady 3Jane and unlock the Turing Lock. The poisoned sacs in Case are destroyed and he is able to live his life. Paul Riveria is killed by the poisoned drugs that Molly gave him and Wintermute is finally reunited with his other half, Neuromancer. Also, you realize that Case and Molly never really loved each other and that they just used each other for companionship. However, you realize that Case did love Linda Lee because whenever Wintermute manipulated him using Linda Lee, he became the enraged and lost self-control. Everything seems to have been resolved but in reality it has not been.
At the end of the novel Case is talking to Wintermute, who is posing as Finn, and Wintermute tells him that he is no longer Wintermute, he is now the Matrix. You are not sure if he is still united with Neuromancer and whether or not if he alone is the ruler of the matrix. Also, you read that Case sees the images of Riveria, Linda Lee, and himself. It is not unclear whether that was a real or imagined image. Also, if it was a real image was that a just a memory that had been saved or was that them in the matrix? The question of what happens to Molly at the end of this novel remains a mystery. The novel's last sentence is "he never saw Molly again" (261). You do not know what becomes of her. The world in which Linda Lee's consciousness was is still a mystery as well. That was a world that Neuromancer created and it is still unclear as to why he wanted Linda Lee and Case to be there together. Lastly, it is unclear whether or not Dixie Flatine was actually erased like he wanted to be. In the end, Case hears a a laugh that resembles Paul McCoy's which means Flatine might still be alive.

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